10108 Kings Road
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 - Phone: (800) 255-3568
- Fax: (843) 497-8521
Frequently Asked Questions Before You Buy
There is a transfer fee (10% of the sales price paid by the seller), your annual lot lease, personal property taxes on the unit, property = insurance(s), electric, cable or satellite tv(optional), internet(optional).
No, you own your structure, but lease the land or lot. You will pay taxes on the unit but not the land.
Your annual lease fee includes water, sewer, garbage disposal options and use of all park amenities. The lease term is annual and runs from October 1st to September 30th each year.
Absolutely no renting or sub-leasing is permitted.
All changes must be approved by park management. There are strict guidelines regarding modifications. Contact the MBTP office for further instructions.
Tree work is handled by the park. If a tree is deemed un-healthy the park will have it removed. If the lease holder is wishing to have a tree removed for other reasons the following must take place:
Park management must approve the removal. Leaseholder must hire and pay an approved MBTP contractor to the remove the tree(s). The lease holder must pay the park $400 per tree for the purchase of two replacement tree(s) for every one tree removed.
All exterior alterations must be approved by park management and impervious services must not exceed 60% of the site. This includes the unit, pavers, cement blocks, Carolina room, driveway, decking, shed and any other concrete surface. Paving and/or concrete is not permitted.
Only one shed is allowed at a maximum size of 8 x 10 depending on the lot size. MBTP must approve size and location of the shed placement. In lieu of a shed you may have up to 2 Rubbermaid type storage buildings.
Older units that are in poor condition may be deemed a “pull-off”. Our compliance and sales team will inspect each unit prior to the sale to insure recommendations are fair and consistent. The unit will have to be removed at the buyer’s expense and replaced with an RV Park Model only (or mobile home for Chapin Park). MBTP management will determine a maximum date on when the removal and replacement work must be completed.
At this time, we accept cash, personal check or money order for lease fees. We do not accept credit cards or debit cards. The fees are payable in person at the office or via US Mail with a check or money order. If paying annually, the fee is due on October 1st. If paying monthly, it is due the 1st of every month and deemed late on the 5th of the month.
Yes. You may have up to two electric golf carts with each leased site. You must have insurance for the golf carts specifically with a minimum of $25,000 of liability coverage. These carts can be operated by licensed drivers only and only during the daylight hours.